

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 10.0 - Check here for latest version

Read Yahoo Finance (Operator Toolbox)


This operator allows you to read data from Yahoo finance.


This operator requests data from Yahoo Finance. For a given stock symbol defined in the symbol parameter it downloads open, close, high, low and volume data. The frequency can be defined using the interval setting.



    • exa (Data Table)

      The example set with the financial data.


    • symbol The symbol you want to get. E.g. GOOG for Google or APPL for Apple. Range:
    • from Starting date for the time frame you are interested in. Range:
    • to Ending date for the time frame you are interested in. Range:
    • interval Sampling rate. Defines whether you want to have daily, monthly or weekly data. Range:
    • fail_on_error Defines if the operator should fail if it encounters an error or just return an empty data set. Range: